Category Archives: Technology

May 11, 2023
The Future of Blogging in the Age of AI
Blogging has been present for 30 years now and it has undergone significant changes over time. The introduction of content management systems such as WordPress, video blogs, and microblogging have...
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PHP 7.2
PHP 7.2
We recently updated the highest version of PHP that we provide to version 7.2, and in this blog we will be taking a look at some of the improvements this...
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Web Trends for 2018
Web Trends for 2018
The New Year is a good time to take a look at your website, and to bring it up to date with modern trends and technologies. In this blog post...
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Speeding up a slow loading website
Speeding up a slow loading website
The speed that your website loads at impacts user experience and your page ranking. If your site is slow to load you also increase the chance that the user will...
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Robots Working As A Team
Robots Working As A Team
Siemens has created spider-like robots that are combined with extruding 3D printers, that can work together to build big structures. Siemens hopes that eventually the robots will be able to...
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