How to Write Compelling Product Descriptions That Sell

How to Write Compelling Product Descriptions That Sell

When you are selling online, think about what you would want to know about the item. Put yourself in the position of the buyer. What would you want and need to know?

As well as fabulous photos, an excellent short description at the start of the text is essential. This text should address the critical elements of the item or have clear links to gain additional information. By all means, this can be followed by more in-depth information.

There are many ways to make your product descriptions stand out on sites like eBay, some sellers choose humour, other’s a wordy description, and whilst some let the photos do most of the talking or just offer the fundamental information inviting potential customers to contact them for more information. However, when selling on your website, it is essential to maintain a procedural approach to product descriptions. The exact style will depend in part on the industry/products you are selling.  To help you, here are our suggested guidelines:

Focus on the Benefits

Your customers want to know how the product you are offering can help them, solve a problem they have or otherwise enhance their life.  When writing your description, put yourself in their position and describe honestly how your item can help them.

Natural Friendly Tone and Language

Always use a natural tone; the description should read as though you are having a conversation with the customers about the product.

Mix basic terminology with industry jargon and explain the jargon somewhere accessible on your site for those who don’t understand it.

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For some items and in some industries, it is vital to use the terminology as proof that you understand the industry or product. However, many of your customers may be new to their hobby or buying for someone else. Dumb down the jargon to everyday terminology and adopt the KISS principle if your site is selling technical items.

KISS = Keep it Simple Stupid. Imagine that your description has to be understood by the lowest denomination. When it essential to use technical jargon, succinctly explain it.

Use Search Engine Optimization

We all know it is essential to use SEO on our websites. Putting natural SEO within the descriptions can be easier than you think, but you need to know what they are. Use one of the free keyword research tools to check the words and phrases that will work with what you are selling.

Keep it simple, but you can have more depth to tell the whole story via a link or further down the page. Make sure that the essential information is readily available and that the opening description is short and user friendly.

Use the Power Words that Sell

There are always a group of words at any given time that elicit an emotional response and increase sales. Take the time to learn what these words are and use them in your description in a natural way.

Finally, never underestimate the power of excellent photos and reviews to increase sales.

Jason Douglas
Jason Douglas

Jason has been writing about technology for more than a decade. He graduated from the University of Chester with a B.A. in Journalism in 2008 and got started writing full-time shortly after that. He's covered everything from Windows XP to Red Star OS, but more recently has settled into the Apple ecosystem. Jason now writes regularly about VPS, Hosting, and Dedicate Server for publications like Mobohost Mag Beyond writing, Tim has professional experience in photography.

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