ISP Forwards All Of Its Users Email To One Address

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ISP Forwards All Of Its Users Email To One Address
Nov 15, 2021

Customers of an internet service provider recently discovered that their email was being sent to, despite none of them knowing who Steve the Second was.
It was later revealed to be the result of some testing of the email system which had got out of control. Read more here.

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Jason Douglas
Jason Douglas

Jason has been writing about technology for more than a decade. He graduated from the University of Chester with a B.A. in Journalism in 2008 and got started writing full-time shortly after that. He's covered everything from Windows XP to Red Star OS, but more recently has settled into the Apple ecosystem. Jason now writes regularly about VPS, Hosting, and Dedicate Server for publications like Mobohost Mag Beyond writing, Tim has professional experience in photography.

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