What is Whois?

Aug 31, 2022

What is Whois?

Whois is a service that provides basic information about a registered domain, such as domain owner contact information, domain availability status and the company with which the domain is registered (also called the Registrar). Whois also provides registration and expiration dates of a domain as well as the nameservers the domain is using. ICANN regulations require all domain Registrants to keep their contact details valid and up-to-date to help prevent fraud and identity theft.
We offer Whois Lookup option to check details associated with a domain. Information contained within the lookup depends on the Registry to some extent.
However, for most gTLDs/new gTLDs you’ll see details like who a domain is registered to, when it was registered, when it expires, and where the DNS is hosted. For the majority of ccTLDs, you will have to go to the Registry’s website to get more information.

The amount of information available in a record will depend on the type of TLD, and the Registrar of the domain.

Domain Registrars usually allow their customers to change their domain contact information directly from their accounts (without needing to contact the Registrar’s customer support). Updates to Whois information may take up to 24 hours.

Some domain Registries allow domain owners to hide certain details in their public Whois records. They do this by replacing the Registrant’s data with the one of the Registrar or hosting company.
This feature is called Domain Privacy Protection, or domain privacy. For example, in a user’s public Whois record with domain protection, their personal email is substituted with a string that looks like a7b594eb9f5d43c123123c82484363f81.protect@withheldforprivacy.com

Anyone wishing to contact the user would send email to this address, which would be privately redirected to the user’s personal email.

Domains vs Hosting vs Website

Did you know?

Namecheap offers the privacy protection tool provided by the Withheldforprivacy.com company. We offer this service free of charge for the registration, renewal, transfer, and reactivation for domain names that support it.
You can visit our Domain Privacy page for more details.

Additionally, Domain Vault contains an exclusive set of domain security tools exclusive to Namecheap customers.

That’s it!

Jason Douglas
Jason Douglas

Jason has been writing about technology for more than a decade. He graduated from the University of Chester with a B.A. in Journalism in 2008 and got started writing full-time shortly after that. He's covered everything from Windows XP to Red Star OS, but more recently has settled into the Apple ecosystem. Jason now writes regularly about VPS, Hosting, and Dedicate Server for publications like Mobohost Mag Beyond writing, Tim has professional experience in photography.

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