Schedule Ability to cancel international domains after domain registration

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Schedule Ability to cancel international domains after domain registration

In this article, we want to introduce you to the types of international domains that can be canceled and deleted after registering a domain. If you registered an international domain and then noticed a typo in the domain name, the domain was filtered or you want to cancel the domain for any reason, you can within the specified time for each type of domain extension in the table It is specified below to announce your domain cancellation request and refund.

Note that it is usually not possible to delete and reimburse the cost of the registered domain, and only some types of international domains have this possibility, and to delete these domains, it is necessary to request the cancellation of the domain to the Department of Domain Affairs at the earliest opportunity. Send Mobohost.

Note: When you request the cancellation and removal of the domain, if the registrar approves, an amount will be deducted as a fee by the registrar and the rest of the payment amount for the domain will be refunded.

Note: The number of days listed in the table below is calculated from the time of domain registration. So pay attention to this point in the number of days. If a domain is registered at one hour of the day, the number of days for the opportunity to cancel the domain will end at the same time of day.

Schedule the possibility of canceling international domains after domain registration

The following table lists the types of international domains along with the number of days that can be canceled for each domain:

8 Important Factors for Site Domain to Improve Your Site SEO
Domain Extension Type Domain Cancellation Opportunity (Day)
.COM 4
.NET 4
.ORG 4
.BIZ 4
.TEL 4
.IN 4
.MN 4
.BZ 4
.CC 4
.TV 4
.US 4
.ME 1
.AU 1
.XXX 4

In this way, if after registering international domains you find that a mistake was made in registering the domain and the registered domain name does not match your requested name, you can send the domain cancellation request to Mobohost support departments with a small deduction. The rest of the domain cost will be reimbursed to you and then you will be able to re-register the new domain.

Alisha Boone
Alisha Boone

Alisha Boone is a Staff Writer at Mobohost. He has been SEO and Article Manager for over a decade and previously worked as a News Editor at Marc Developers. Alisha loves all things technology and SEO. He has written thousands of articles, hundreds of tutorials, and dozens of reviews.

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